COMSA Corporación collaborates in the CleanTech Camp program that promotes business projects based on clean energies

02/08/2018 – COMSA Corporación is an innovation partner of the third edition of the CleanTech Camp program, an initiative to support those entrepreneurs who have business ideas related to the sustainability sector, energy efficiency and renewable energy for Spain and Portugal.

Aiming on promoting technology transfer and entrepreneurship in the field of clean energy, the program seeks to attract professionals, researchers and doctorates with ideas related to any of the following seven themes: internet of things and artificial intelligence; energy efficiency; smart cities; renewable energy; sustainable mobility; smart grids and, finally, cybersecurity and blockchain. Until next February 18 proposals will be admitted.

Among all the applications received, the program will select a maximum of fifteen projects for the final phase. Its promoters will travel to Barcelona and Porto (Portugal) to know the ecosystem of each city and participate, for two weeks, in practical workshops on management skills, training sessions about the business areas to develop and networking events with professionals in the sector.

The winner will receive 20,000 euros, while the first and second finalists will receive 10,000 and 5,000 euros respectively. In addition, the three proposals will have the support of program partners to develop the business plan, validate that the business idea is adjusted to the needs of the market, as well as in the preparation of the launch strategy.

COMSA Corporación colabora en el programa CleanTech Camp que impulsa proyectos de negocio basados en energías limpias

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