Posts Tagged ‘ emprendedores ’

COMSA Corporación collaborates in the CleanTech Camp program that promotes business projects based on clean energies

COMSA Corporación collaborates in the CleanTech Camp program that promotes business projects based on clean energies

02/08/2018 – COMSA Corporación is an innovation partner of the third edition of the CleanTech Camp program, an initiative to support those entrepreneurs who have business ideas related to the sustainability sector, energy efficiency and renewable energy for Spain and Portugal. Aiming on promoting technology transfer and entrepreneurship in the field of clean energy,...

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Meeting with TIC (Information Technology and Communications) entrepeneurs in Barcelona

Meeting with TIC (Information Technology and Communications) entrepeneurs in Barcelona

On May 3rd COMSA EMTE was a guest in “Dinars en xarxa”, (networking lunches) a meeting organized by Barcelona Activa (Barcelona’s development agency). Barcelona Activa aim to contribute to the development of a small new TICs through the exchange of experiences with a large corporations that interest them. Group vice-president, Carles Sumarroca, and the...

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