Participation in a seminar on Emerging Markets

On May 22nd in Barcelona, COMSA EMTE participated in “emerging markets, emerged markets,” a seminar organized by the ‘Fundació Catalunya Oberta’ (FCO) and the ‘Banc Sabadell’ to analyze the current economic climate and business opportunities offered by emerging countries.

Among the speakers was the Group Vice President, Carles Sumarroca, who shared with attendees COMSA EMTE’s experience in the process of the internationalization of its business. During his speech he encouraged companies to explore new markets especially those with prior business culture and that offer legal guarantees.

Asked about the difficulties of starting business abroad Sumarroca noted that some countries tend to protect local companies and COMSA thus opted for differentiation as a key element for success in exports. Jaume Giné, general secretary of Casa Asia, also participated in the conference. He stressed the importance of China and India in the twenty-first century global economy.

Seminario sobre mercados emergentes en Barcelona

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