COMSA to improve the Chascomús rail link (Argentina)

The Administration of Railway Infrastructure (Adif) in Argentina has awarded COMSA a contract to improve the Chascomús rail link, a city in the province of Buenos Aires. The project is valued at about 11 million euros and has a lead time of nine months.

COMSA will build a 20 kilometre rail bypass, which will allow the Constitución-Mar del Plata branch line to avoid crossing the centre of Chascomús, thereby reducing the journey on that section by about twenty minutes.

The contract was officially concluded on 3 October in Buenos Aires, in a ceremony presided over by the President of Adif, Ariel Franetovich, attended by Ramón Castro, director of COMSA EMTE in Argentina. Also present was Gabriel Macchi, head of the Chascomús Reference Centre of the Ministry of Social Development.


COMSA mejorará la conexión ferroviaria de Chascomús (Argentina)

En la imagen, de izquierda a derecha: Ramón Castro, director de COMSA EMTE en Argentina, Ariel Franetovich, presidente de Adif, y Gabriel Macchi, titular del Centro de Referencia de Chascomús del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social de la Nación.

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