COMSA Corporación workers participate in the definition of the corporate values

COMSA Corporación has launched a campaign to promote corporate values among its employees, in order to align everyone with the strategic objectives of the company, and to involve the workers in the definition of these by proposing creative and thought-provoking phrases.

During February, the workers have been at the centre of an initiative to come up with ‘famous quotes’, whether these were by well known people or were created by the employees themselves, related to one of the seven values of COMSA Corporación: global vision, customer focus, results orientation, excellence and initiative, staff team, innovation and technology, and responsibility to the environment. More than 150 phrases have been sent in to the competition. From among these, a jury has chosen the most representative for each value:

  • Global vision: “The broader your perspective, the smaller the problem becomes.” Original phrase by Carlos Briz, representative of COMSA in Romania.
  • Customer focus: “The best publicity is made by satisfied customers.” (Philip Kotler, economist). Phrase provided by Raúl Vicente Marcos Micol, COMSA works manager.
  • Results orientation: “Success is the sum of small efforts – repeated day in and day out.” (Robert Collier, writer). Phrase provided by Amparo Rosalen, works administrative assistant at COMSA.
  • Excellence and initiative: “Think, believe, dream and dare.” (Walter Elias Disney, cartoonist). Phrase provided by Marisol Martínez, HR technician at COMSA Corporación.
  • Staff team: “A committed team will mean that your company has no limits.” Original phrase by José Ramón Lorenzo Vicente, Management control at COMSA Industrial.
  • Innovation and technology: “Can trains fly? COMSA.” Original phrase by Samuel Royo, purchasing technician at COMSA Corporación.
  • Responsibility to the environment: “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” (Mahatma Gandhi, lawyer and political leader). Phrase provided by Encarna Montoro, purchasing administrative assistant at COMSA Corporación.

This initiative is one of the internal activities that COMSA Corporación has programmed for its workers to mark the 125th anniversary of the group, in order to promote the group’s values, involve employees in the celebrations and highlight the centennial history of the group. valores

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