Fergrupo obtains two five year railway maintenance contracts in Portugal

The consortium of Fergrupo and the Portuguese Somafel has been awarded two contracts for track and overhead line maintenance in various railways in the Portuguese network. The work was awarded by Rede National Railroad (REFER) which is the owner and manager of Portuguese railway infrastructures.

The project includes the completion of work on the lines; Norte, Minho, Douro, GuimarÃes, LeixÃes and Bragaâs branch line along with the lines East, West, Beira Baixa, Beira Alta and the CÃceres and Alfarelos branch lines.

These infrastructure maintenance jobs correspond to lots 2 and 5 and last for five years. Their total value amounts to 46.5 million euros.


Fergrupo obtiene dos contratos de mantenimiento ferroviario de cinco años en Portugal

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