EMTE leads a robotics project for the clinical rehabilitation of patients

EMTE’s Systems Department is managing the FISIOROB project, a new technological solution in the field of medicine, aimed at patients who need to recover the mobility of their upper extremities. The system aims to improve the rehabilitation process, combining the advantages of robotics, to carry out intensive exercise, with those of the virtual reality, to establish interactive scenarios that improve patient’s motivation and satisfaction during recovery.

FISIOROB is benefiting from EMTE’s experience in project management, the integration of various technology and systems control. The company has been entrusted with the development of a sequencing system, capable of coordinating all the subsystems and establishing a layer of intercommunication and a common operating interface. The integration of the various techniques is performed virtually to ensure that the patient experiences the virtual reality efficiently. Also, the correct functioning of the subsystems is monitored at all times to guarantee the patient’s safety.

FISIOROB is led by EMTE with the participation of private hospital Povisa, companies Aequs, Izmar, I3TE and Balidea, technological centres Aimen and CIS Galicia and the University of Vigo. The project forms part of the European Union’s FEDER-INNTERCONECTA programme for the promotion of R+D+i projects and is financed by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the Galician Innovation Agency and the Technology Fund.

EMTE lidera un proyecto de robótica para la rehabilitación clínica de pacientes

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