COMSA presents the use of the LEAN methodology in the construction of the Torre Puig of L’Hospitalet

10/17/2017 – The COMSA Head of Building Construction, Xavier Falomir, participated as a speaker at the LEAN Construction Barcelona 2017 Forum organized by the ITEC (The Catalonia Institute of Construction Technology) and held on 5 October, where he explained the application of the LEAN method in the construction planning of the Torre Puig of L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona).

COMSA implemented LEAN for the reliability analysis of the weekly schedule of this project in order to detect and anticipate problems, analyse the reasons for failure to meet deadlines, and implement improvements according to the results. Following these guidelines, and through a series of indicators, the state of the actions set for the previous week were studied, as well as obstacles and unforeseen events that arose. Taking these results into account, performance targets for the next period were set.

For the COMSA Head of Building Construction, among the strengths of LEAN the most prominent is the capacity to detect the origins of non-compliance across all contributing actors and their impact on the entire project. As elements of improvement, Falomir emphasized the need to involve subcontractors in the establishment of forecasts and monitoring of indicators, along with the identification of human resources and critical materials to be introduced in the follow-up.

COMSA expone el uso de la metodología LEAN en la construcción de la Torre Puig de L’HospitaletTorre Puig of L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona)

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