COMSA EMTE, a benchmark company in the railway engineering field

On 23rd October, COMSA EMTE participated in a conference organized by the Spain’s Royal Academy of Engineering in Madrid to analyse the potential of Spanish firms in the railway engineering field. As a leading actor in the rail transport technology industry, the company was represented by the Director of Technical Services and Innovation, Valentí Fontserè, who gave the conference attendees an insight into the experiences of the Group in the railway sphere.

During his speech, Fontserè drew special attention to the evolution of the assembly and maintenance work on high-speed lines that COMSA EMTE has carried out over the last 20 years, the company having been a forerunner and prominent player in the development and innovation of railway technology. Among the most significant projects mentioned, he wished to highlight MERTOP, a high-performance cart for topographic reference measurements that ensures the alignment and levelling of rails.

The conference was coordinated by Andrés López Pita, Professor of Transport Infrastructures at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), and included the participation of experts from ArcelorMittal, Adif and the Sleeper Manufacturers Association (AFTRAV-Asociación de Fabricantes de Traviesas), among other entities. All the speakers coincided in highlighting the importance of Spanish firms in the technological development of the railway industry at a worldwide level.


Valentí Fontserè, Director de Servicios Técnicos e Innovación de COMSA EMTE

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