Carles Sumarroca, leads a business seminar in the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce

Carles Sumarroca, Vice-President of COMSA EMTE and President of FEMCAT, was the main protagonist at a lunch/seminar, on 14th May, organized by the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce an institution whose aim is promote the Catalan economy and businesses.

Under the title “Our Business Framework: Challenges and Opportunities”, Sumarroca shared his experience with Catalan business representatives from small and medium companies attending the conference. The Vice-Chairperson encouraged them to gain influence abroad by fosuing on foreign markets, as COMSA and EMTE had done in 2009. The Vice-President of COMSA EMTE asssured them that “the medium-sized business can have a global role as many barriers have dissapeared”.

Sumarroca also took the opportunity in the seminar in Barcelona’s Chamber of Commerce to argue for a greater transfer of technology and innovation from the Universities to pymes thus sharing knowledge.


Carles Sumarroca durante su conferencia en "Dinars de la Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona"

Foto: David Campos

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