Aigües de Catalunya expands its business in Tarragona

The Catalan Water Agency (ACA) has awarded Aigües de Catalunya the contract for the operation of eight wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) in the Terra Alta region. With this contract, the COMSA EMTE subsidiary and Aguas de Valencia expand their activity in the province of Tarragona, where they also provide potable water supply services.

The project, valued at over 2 million euros, has a duration of four years (renewable for a maximum of two years) and includes the operation of treatment plants in Arnés, Batea, La Fatarella, Pinell del Brai, Gandesa, Vilalba dels Arcs, Horta de Sant Joan and Corbera d’Ebre, the last of these still under construction.

With this contract, Aigües de Catalunya now manages a total of 86 sanitation facilities in Catalonia, including various treatment plants in municipalities of Barcelona such as Martorell, La Roca del Vallès, Santa Maria de Palautordera, Terrassa and Sant Cugat del Vallès, and in regions of Lleida that inclulde Noguera and Solsonés.

Aigües de Catalunya amplía su negocio en Tarragona

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