Posts Tagged ‘ congreso ’

COMSA participates in the First International Conference on Railway Technology

COMSA participates in the First International Conference on Railway Technology

COMSA has actively participated in the first International Congressof Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance (Railways of 2012). Carlos Saborido, from the group’s Technology and Innovation area, in his presentation theorized on the innovation project jointly developed by COMSA and the UPC which is financied by the Ministry of Development The purpose of the...

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Participación en el II Congreso Nacional de Servicios Energéticos

Participación en el II Congreso Nacional de Servicios Energéticos

COMSA EMTE estará presente los próximos 13 y 14 de marzo en Barcelona en el II Congreso Nacional de Servicios Energéticos, un evento organizado por diversas entidades del sector que pretende ser un foro de reflexión y de exposición de los servicios energéticos en España. La presencia del Grupo se concreta a través de...

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