Edafo enters the public composting plant operation market

The Catalan Water Agency has awarded Edafo a two-year contract for the operation of its Vilaseca composting plant in the province of Tarragona, renewable for a further two one-year terms. This contract allows Edafo to enter the public compositing plant operation market for the first time.

The purpose of the contract is to increase the efficiency of the plant, which processes the sludge produced by the nearby urban sewage treatment plants. In recent years the centre has treated 16,000 tons a year and the company aims to increase this annual quantity to 23,000 tons.

Edafo, an Environment business unit company, manages organic waste to transform it into resources and thus achieve environmentally beneficial soil improvements. This is how the company responds to problems that arise in various fields, such as the sludge produced in wastewater treatment plants, or the organic waste produced in the agri-food industry.

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