The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Competitiveness has co-funded Termoptics, an R+D+i project devised by COMSA EMTE Medio Ambiente. The initiative seeks to develop a new technology capable of measuring temperatures in atmospheres exceeding 1,000ºC. The system is based on the development of extensive networks of optical sensors resistant to extreme conditions.
Termoptics aims to meet an existing demand in the solar thermal, gas, oil and aerospace industries, among others. To this end, COMSA EMTE Medio Ambiente has worked in conjunction with EMTE Sistemas and the Optoelectronics team at the Institute of Photonic Sciences (Institut de Ciències Fotòniques, ICFO).
The project has been carried out through the INNPACTO programme, which encourages R+D+i collaboration between the public administration and the private sector in order to promote innovation, stimulate private investment, contribute to job creation and boost technological development.