Adasa launches the most advanced weather radar in Central America

In order to strengthen the early warning system for natural disasters, Adasa has launched the most advanced weather radar in Central America, in Honduras. This is a joint project carried out by EMTE and Dominion for the Permanent Contingency Commission (COPECO) in the country.

This S-band Doppler weather radar has a range of 500 kilometres and complements the operation of 63 hydrometeorological and seismic stations, which place Honduras at the forefront of civil defence systems in the region. Its prediction capability covers 100% of Honduras, El Salvador and Belize, and 90% of Guatemala and Nicaragua.

The operation of the radar corresponds to the use of hundreds of rain gauges distributed throughout the coverage area. Unlike the satellite, it transmits information in real time, with the possibility of carrying out precipitation volumes studies at different cross sections. It also tracks and allows the study of severe phenomena such as hurricanes, locating and calculating their paths.

The contract with COPECO consolidates Adasa’s positioning as a leading technology company in the field of meteorology. Its main projects include maintenance of the observation system for 19 radars in Spain, modernization of the measurement and hydrometeorological forecast system in Venezuela for the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) or the design, manufacture, installation and commissioning of a TDWR radar for the Mexican Airspace Navigation Services (SENEAM).

For more information on the project in Honduras:


Adasa pone en operación el radar meteorológico más avanzado de Centroamérica

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